ANDI command in Atmega32 gives the order and applies a logical AND operation to a constant and the contents of register Rd, storing the outcome in the destination register Rd.
Let us understand it through a program in assembly language.
Firstly, we will include a header file.
If you do not know how to include it, you can check by clicking here.
LDI R17, 0X14 //R17=0X14
We loaded the value 14 in the general purpose register r17.
ANDI R17, 0X0F
Here we ANDI the value of the R17 which is 0X0F.
//To understand this operation let’s understand this by converting it into binary. The binary of 14 is 00010100 and the binary of 0F is 00001111 and when we perform the AND operation we will get the value 00100 which is equal to 4. As you can see below.

Now we will debug our program to see the result.
First, we will build our program by pressing the F7 key.

Now we will debug our program by selecting the debug option from the menu bar and checking the processor status.

First, we can see that R17 has a value of 14.

Now we will go to the ANDI operation command to check the output and it is 0X04 which is the same as we calculated above.

In conclusion, utilizing Atmel Studio 7 Assembly language to grasp the ANDI command in the Atmega32 opens the door to effective programming and realizing this microcontroller’s potential. Developers are capable of streamlining their code, improving performance, and coming up with creative solutions for various applications with practice and expertise.
For Complete Trial Watch the Video: ANDI command in Atmega32 using ATMEL STUDIO 7 Assembly
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